
Why are we the best in the market?

And what can we offer to you?

Our consultants are valued and honest advisors who work with clients to deliver sustainable value.

Using industry experience and specialist knowledge we support senior leaders to deliver solutions that help improve their performance and increase their profits.

We help clients create and sustain value by:

  • Engaging with customers at all levels of the organisation to understand their needs from all perspectives
  • Convening stakeholder meetings to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats
  • Cultivating talent to support innovation
  • Cultivating, analysing and flexibly presenting data to wide audiences improve strategic decision-making and increase operational effectiveness



Data Architecture

Setting data standards for all your data systems and building links between them

Data Management

Establishing systems to collect, keep and use data efficiently and cost effectively

Data Analysis

Systematically applying techniques to understand, illustrate, aggregate and evaluate data

Data Integrity

Ensuring data is accurate, valid and appropriate used over its life-cycle

Data Protection

Ensuring systems, policies and practice is complaint with the Data Protection Act 2018 and GDPR, E.g. covering Subject Access Requests (SARs) and data deletion etc.

Data Quality

Reviewing data against quality characteristics - accuracy, completeness, reliability, relevance and timeliness

Data Cleansing

Fixing your data, removing incorrect, corrupted and incorrectly formatted, incomplete or duplicate data from within a dataset

Data Modelling

Creating an appropriate data model for your data to be stored in a database

Data Mapping and Migration

Matching fields from one database to another and then facilitating full data migration and integration with other data


Case for Support

Building a strong case for support to help you win investment and communicate the impact you are delivering, linked to your Theory of Change

Health Check

Supporting you to carry out SWOT and PESTLE analysis to understand your strengths in relation to the external environment, internal infrastructure (prospecting templates, security transparency and fund management etc.) and financial review (income diversity)

Bid and Tender Writing

Technical bid writing support and due diligence preparation for contracts and grants

Income generation review

Reviewing income streams and supporting clients to identify and consider the risks and resourcing requirements linked to different income streams E.g. major donors, trusts & foundations, individual giving, crowdfunding, event fundraising etc.

Grantmaking and Grant Management

Establishing a Grantmaking Framework

Establishing policies and funding programme criterias, creating an assessment framework

Managing the Grantmaking Cycle

Establishing award and grant agreement templates, setting up monitoring arrangements, supporting clients to identify a suitable Grant Management CRM system (where suitable)

Grant Assessment & Due Diligence

Providing technical bid assessment services, including the provision of scoring frameworks (applying an equitable lens) and assessor training. 

Support with interviewing and/or visiting grant applicants to ensure key areas of risk are assessed, E.g. safeguarding, equity and inclusion etc.

Due diligence includes a comprehensive assessment of financial risk (assessment of financial accounts, management accounts, reserves policies etc.) and operational risk (review of key policy and procedures review)

Monitoring and Evaluation

Establishing proportionate and clear monitoring and evaluation templates and processes to support you to manage your grantee relationships, including M&E guidance for grantees

Organisational Development Support to Grantees

Assistance with governance and business planning, policy review, training staff in technical areas, prospecting other investors for the grantees etc.

Project and Programme Management

Theory of Change

Supporting clients to establish a clear log frame / theory of change to identify clear project outcomes, outputs, inputs and assumptions to underpin clear project planning and monitoring

Managing the Project Lifecycle

Assisting you to design, develop and review project and programme management frameworks ensuring you implement a proportionate approach to project management, as a minimum using project plans.

Training staff in Project Management Skills

Risk Management

Applying proportionate policy and procedures to ensure effective manage project risks, E.g. utilising risk, action, issue and decision logs

Budget Management

Providing simple budget monitoring templates and reviewing your approach to costing and full cost recovery, to ensure your annual and project budgets are effectively managed

Digital Strategy

Web and System Development

Whether you website is promotional or part of a system that helps run your organisation we have the experience to help in all stages, from research and planning, to design & development right through to implementation and support.


We can help expand your reach to customers. Helping to plan and design modern feature-packaged e-commerce solutions to increase product sales and connect directly to customers to engage in growth.


To help any organisation grow it is important to know your audience which in depth SEO can help to achieve. Key areas we can help with is content analysis and optimisation, technical and local SEO, analytics, reporting and monitoring.


Helping your business to grow up with a selection of tools and strategies to improve an organisations online presence.